Day 298 – exploring the quilting shops

We checked on line to find some fabric places in hamilton and discovered Ottawa st, which is in an industrial area, and like going back in time. Leona was keen to find an ‘Indian’ print, one with a chief in head dress. I wasn’t sure she would find anything like that but she was adamant. I watched on with amusement at the shop assistants reaction to her request. She lowered her eyes, gave us a stern look and said in a steely voice “we don’t have that sort of thing here, it may be offensive to some people”. Which is pretty much what I expected. After that we struggled to get any service.
We ended up stopping at Fortinos for a coffee and morning tea which was lovely in the sun.
Goodnight beautiful people Jxx

Day 296 – leonas visit to st jacobs

It was cold, wet and windy today but we decided it was now or never for a visit to the Mennonite markets.
Leona Es keen to see the ‘amish’ people (she can never remember the Mennonite name) and sample some new treats.
We stopped at Walmart first to get some money (they should have all come in with me – plenty of Mennonite women in the store).
The Royal Doulton shop was our first stop. They had a lot of their Christmas ornaments out and we were able to get a few gifts. Leona spent all her time looking at the figurines so Garry bought her one as a memento of her trip to Canada.
It was still raining at the outdoor markets so we went inside to sample all their foods. Lots of organic options which was nice. I’m looking forward to bringing Janelle here to shop. She will love it. Hopefully it won’t be raining and we can visit the kissing bridge too.
Goodnight beautiful people Jxx.





Day 290 – A Visit to the new goodness me store

After putting off our trip to Niagara Falls, I decided to take a drive up to Mississauga which is about 30 minutes away. The Goodness Me store is about 4 times the size of the local one I work at and has been purpose built. It was so nice to wonder around this beautiful store with its smoothie bar and huge bulk foods area. Long aisles of fresh produce, supplements, a bakery and salad bar. Needless to say, I ended up spending most of this weeks wages trying out some new products and filling up our fridge.
The cookies are really big and last almost a whole drive home. Very satisfied.
Goodnight beautiful people Jxx IMG_5904-0.JPG






